As college students, how can social media benefit our learning?

As a college student, I believe our learning method is much different from that of secondary school, where we are given notes and exercise and being tested. However, in universities, we are often given the syllabus and notes, then we self-learn, ask questions and do the assignments.

In this process, social media really provides much help. As mentioned in lecture, information actions involve one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, or many-to-many human information actors. These are all useful ways of learning.


In traditional way, we can read from a textbook, which is often written by an expert or some scholars.

Nowadays, the most common way is to read the documents online to find a solution or to learn something quick.



There are many forums nowadays where we can discuss our problems online and get feedback. For example, when you have problems with downloading or using software, you can ask this specific question online and wait for a response. This is a fast learning process. However, there is a potential risk that the answer or suggestion provided is not perfectly correct.



If you want a correct answer, you better send email to your professor directly. This would be a one-to-one communication where you would expect a response or at least acknowledgement of understanding.


7 thoughts on “As college students, how can social media benefit our learning?

  1. I agree that social media give many helps for us to learn. We can easily gain knowledge from those 3 way that your post mentioned. One thing I concern is the correctness of the knowledge. There are many information or knowledge in Internet, and we need to differentiate the correctness of them. Or we can find a trust way to gain the knowledge, just like the discussion board, and email to professor mentioned from your post.
    Thanks for sharing.


  2. I share your views that social media involving one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many sides can all be our learning helpers, and I think three of this information can all be simultaneously used. For example, sometimes we try to learn something by just reading some textbook (one-to-many), while we cannot understand all the details in a short period. Therefore, we can make use of the discussion board to discuss with other people to figure out your difficulties. Eventually, if we still have some misunderstanding, we can just simply ask our teacher/ professor by sending an email. This three processes are actually the way we learn new things. In fact, social media is undoubtedly our cornerstone to study.


  3. Many people often think that the disadvantages of using social media outweighs the advantages of using social media, since there are many information on the web allowing us to surf 24/7. Of course, there are some ‘useful’ information and some that are ‘invalid’. However, I think that the advantages outweighs the disadvantages and I believe that one of the vital advantage of using social media is many-to-many interactions where we could all share our thoughts easily and allow academic interactions to be done anywhere and anytime. Using social media as a tool for learning allow allows links to be created between different students who does not know each other, such as what I am doing now.


  4. I agree that using social media can add to the convenience of our study process in college. However, as I’ve mentioned in my first blog post (, the influence of social media on human-information interaction may not be one-sided. The faster we can post/access a piece of information, the more rational we should be before processing it. Namely, as the users of social media as well as a student, we should pay extra effort to verify the authenticity and integrity of the online information. Whereas the traditional textbook can always provide more formal and complete version of the knowledge.
    So in my opinion, we should use social media rationally to support our traditional classroom learning experience. But we need to think thoroughly before totally stepping into the online learning environment.


  5. Yes, there are many advantages of using social media in education. For example, creating a community for people to learn, continuing the conversation over time and place and organize learning resources. I also think that these kinds of communication can encourage interaction between students and teachers. This is helpful in college environments because students and teachers can communicate via the online platform instead of students finding teachers in a limited time. As a result, students are more willing to learn.


  6. I agree that social media indeed helps a lot for our university students. I think in the past, with no Internet, people will focus more on one-to-one communication, by really conducting a conversation will the professors, as well as going to library to look for the books (one-to-many).

    But now, there are a lot of online discussion platforms that allow many-to-many communication, from my personal experience, I really rely on Stack Overflow when I am studying my programming courses. I think social media play an important role not only on learning, but also in our daily life, for example, making friends and business activities.


  7. As an university student, I tired all of the learning ways that you have mentioned. I want to share my point of view on the limitation. Limitations of (1) One-to-many: The stand of the author will affect the content of the information provided. If we read it, we should determine whether it is biased opinion or not. (2) Many-to-many: The accuracy of the information may not be correct and the points may not be detailed enough. (3) One-to-one: The time of waiting reply can be very long compared to

    For my suggestion, I prefer using the way of one-to-many first. The main reason is we can acquire correct information in a very short time. Moreover, you can compare different scholar resources that found on the Internet!


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